Gulag Games

Dodge Rock
Dodge ball is extra fun with 200 pound boulders whizzing to and fro. See the video and enjoy a nice game of Dodge Rock with the comrades.
Is this Fence Electric?
Zap or no zap? See the video and learn how to best tackle this barbed-wired mystery of the gulag.
Lucky Spin
What can you do with a 60 year sentence, no women anywhere, and a disappointingly empty beer bottle? See the video.
Boris Yeltsin
Marco Polo was a tool of the state, totally undeserving of the fame given to him in backyard pools across the U.S.A. See the video of how the comrades have honored the true hero of the people - the man, the legend: Boris Yeltsin.
Gulag Break
Where do you hide the secret map of the gulag as you plot your escape? Easy: you tattoo it on your chest. See the video of Sergei, who must have figured out how to TiVo Fox's 'Prison Break' at the gulag.
Gulag TV Spot
Watch the GameTap TV spot that inspired the Gulag Games.

Prisoner and Guard Profiles

Read the profiles of the comrades and guards from the gulag. So single. So engaging. So chilly.

  • Sasha Federov (comrade)
  • Sergei Zhamnatov (comrade)
  • Vladimir Zhamnov (comrade)
  • Yuri Kritchtovov (guard)
  • Volga Carslov (guard)

Audio Fun

Hear audio clips recorded out at the gulag. Philosophy and advice from Comrade Sergei and Yuri the Guard.


Download gulag audio, video, desktops, maps, and other things frozen for your PC, Mac, iPod, or PSP.